Wisdom Teeth Surgery

Pain caused by wisdom teeth

What You Need to Know

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, were once part of our evolutionary past. In the days when humans were hunters and gatherers, they needed that additional set of teeth to chew the roots, plants, and uncooked meat that made up most of their diet. However, as cooking methods made eating easier and the human brain began to evolve to a larger size, the size of the human jaw got smaller. This is why wisdom teeth no longer fit properly in the mouth. 

Wisdom teeth, typically develop between the ages of 17 and 25. For some people, these teeth can cause problems and may need to be removed. Wisdom teeth extraction is a common oral surgery procedure that can help prevent dental issues and promote good oral health.

Why Do Wisdom Teeth Need to be Removed?

While there are cases where removing 3rd molars are not required, most dental professionals recommend having them removed.

Wisdom teeth extractions are especially recommended when one or more teeth are impacted since this can cause pain, infection, and damage to the surrounding teeth. You should also have your wisdom teeth removed if they are causing overcrowding or if they are not erupting properly.

In many cases, wisdom teeth do not grow properly, which can cause a range of issues. These include:

Crowding: Wisdom teeth can push against adjacent teeth, causing misalignment and crowding.

Infection: Wisdom teeth that do not fully emerge from the gum line (impacted) can cause inflammation at surrounding tissue leading to pain and severe infection.

Dental caries: Wisdom teeth are located at the back of the mouth, which can make them difficult to clean properly. This can lead to decay and gum disease.

Damage to the adjacent teeth: wisdom teeth can cause damage to adjacent teeth such as cavity, periodontal (gum) disease and bone loss 

Cysts and, tumors: In some cases, cysts or other form of pathologic lesions can form around the wisdom teeth, which can cause damage to the surrounding teeth and bone.

What Does Wisdom Teeth Extraction Involve?

Wisdom teeth or 3rd molars extraction is a surgical procedure that is usually performed under IV sedation (Moderate or deep sedation) and in some cases under local anesthesia. This means that you will either be extremely relaxed or unconscious. Generally speaking, surgical extraction of impacted teeth tend to require a deeper level of sedation than simple extractions.

In some case a simple extraction can be performed when the entire wisdom tooth

has erupted. However, in many cases your oral surgeon will need to make an incision in the gum tissue to access the unerupted 3rd molar, and sometimes section the tooth in pieces if necessary. The incision will then be closed by suture to promote healing.

In most cases, it takes about 45-60 minutes for surgical removal of all 3rd molars.

Despite the fact that they sound more complicated, surgical extractions actually limit the amount of trauma experienced by the surrounding structures, which makes recovery faster. 

What can I expect after wisdom teeth surgery?

After the procedure, you will briefly remain in our office so we can monitor you as the sedation wears off.

Before leaving our office, the doctor our staffs will provide you with detailed post-operative instructions to follow. These instructions will detail things like how to manage pain and swelling, what to eat, and how to keep the extraction site clean. It is important to follow these instructions to minimize postoperative pain and decrease the risk of complications. In most cases, you can expect your extraction sites to heal in about two weeks.

We also Re-evaluate the healing process in one week follow up visit. In most cases patient can resume normal diet and activities in 5-7 days after surgical removal of third molars (wisdom teeth)

When Should You Consider Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

Not everyone needs to have their wisdom teeth removed. Your oral surgeon will evaluate your mouth and determine whether extraction is necessary. Some common signs and symptoms that wisdom teeth may need to be removed include:

  1. Pain or discomfort in the back of the mouth
  2. Swelling or redness around the gums
  3. Difficulty opening the mouth
  4. Misalignment or crowding of adjacent teeth
  5. Need for future orthodontic treatment
  6. Other signs detected by your dentist

If you are experiencing any of link to make appointment.

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